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3D Bunion

Are painful bunions keeping you from enjoying life to the fullest? If you're seeking a transformative solution for bunion correction, look no further than Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction. This innovative surgical technique, offered by the esteemed orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Naomi Shields, promises to not only alleviate bunion pain but also restore your mobility and put you back on your feet with confidence.

Understanding Bunions and Their Impact:

Bunions, also known as hallux valgus, are a common foot condition where the big toe joint becomes misaligned, leading to a painful bump on the side of the foot. This deformity can cause discomfort, restricted movement, and challenges in finding comfortable footwear. Without proper treatment, bunions can worsen over time, affecting your quality of life.

The Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction Difference:

Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction is a revolutionary approach to bunion surgery that addresses the root cause of the deformity in three dimensions. Unlike traditional procedures that merely shave down the bony prominence, Lapiplasty corrects the misalignment, rotates the bone, and stabilizes it with titanium plates to provide a more durable and reliable correction. This cutting-edge technique is designed to prevent the recurrence of bunions and offers faster recovery times compared to traditional methods.

Dr. Naomi Shields: An Expert in 3D Bunion Surgery

Recently, Dr. Shields attended the Lapiplasty Masters Symposium in Boston on August 5th, where she delved into advanced techniques for bunion and midfoot arthritis corrections. Her dedication to staying at the forefront of innovative approaches underscores her commitment to patient well-being.

Dr. Naomi Shields is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon with a specialization in foot and ankle care. With extensive experience and a commitment to her patients' well-being, Dr. Shields is the trusted professional for successful bunion surgeries. Her expertise in the cutting-edge Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction technique has made her a top choice for patients seeking relief from bunion pain and deformity.

Dr. Shields extends her impact beyond surgical excellence, training fellow surgeons in the Lapiplasty® Procedure and showcasing her commitment to innovative care. Her proficiency in the Lapiplasty® Mini-Incision™ Procedure, emphasizing minimally invasive options for bunion correction, reinforces this dedication.

Highlighting her commitment to ongoing advancement, Dr. Shields attended the Lapiplasty Masters Symposium in Boston on August 5th. Here, she explored cutting-edge techniques for bunion and midfoot arthritis corrections, further demonstrating her dedication to optimal patient outcomes.

The Lapiplasty Procedure Explained:

Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction involves a thorough evaluation of your bunion's severity and overall foot structure. Dr. Shields will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. During the procedure, the misaligned bone is realigned, and the joint is corrected to its proper position. This stability is then reinforced with specialized titanium plates that promote optimal healing.

Advantages of Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction:

Choosing Lapiplasty over traditional bunion surgery offers numerous benefits, including reduced risk of recurrence, minimal scarring, and faster return to weight-bearing activities. With a focus on long-term results and patient satisfaction, Lapiplasty is paving the way for enhanced bunion treatment.

Is Lapiplasty Right for You?

Wondering if Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction is the ideal option for you? Consider the following questions:

● Do you experience persistent bunion pain that limits your daily activities?

● Have conservative treatments, such as orthotics or padding, failed to provide sufficient relief?

● Are your bunions affecting your ability to wear regular shoes comfortably?

● Do you wish to correct the bunion deformity at its source rather than just the symptoms?

● Are you looking for a long-lasting solution with minimal risk of bunion recurrence?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction may be the right fit for you. Consult with Dr. Naomi Shields to discuss your foot condition and explore whether Lapiplasty is the ideal option for your needs.

Take the First Step Towards Bunion Relief:

Don't let bunions hold you back from enjoying an active and pain-free life. If you're seeking an effective and innovative bunion correction surgery, look no further than Dr. Naomi Shields and Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction. Take the first step towards stepping with ease and confidence - contact Dr. Shields to schedule a consultation today at or call 210-878-4116. Let us be your partner in achieving a bunion-free future and an active, pain-free lifestyle.

Please note: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. For personalized medical advice and treatment options, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Are you ready to take your pickleball game to the next level? If you're a pickleball enthusiast, you probably know that this addictive sport can put some strain on your body. Whether you're a seasoned player or just getting started, it's essential to keep yourself in top form to keep smashing those balls and nailing those shots! That's where TruOrtho comes in with our team of specialist surgeons dedicated to injury prevention, ensuring you stay at your best on and off the court.


What is Pickleball, and Why is it So Popular in San Antonio?

Pickleball is a fast-paced paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Played on a small court with a low net, it's perfect for players of all ages and skill levels. San Antonio has seen a surge in pickleball's popularity over the years, with local parks and recreational centers offering dedicated courts and hosting tournaments that bring together players from all over the city. The camaraderie, competitive spirit, and social aspect of pickleball make it a hit for San Antonians who love to have a blast while staying active.

The Physical Demands of Pickleball

As thrilling as pickleball is, the sport's repetitive movements can sometimes take a toll on your body, especially on your shoulders, knees, and ankles. Quick lateral movements, sudden stops, and overhead shots can lead to strains, sprains, and joint discomfort.

Essential Injury Prevention Strategies:

To ensure pickleball enthusiasts stay in the game and avoid potential injuries, it's crucial to adopt injury prevention strategies. Here are some key tips to keep in mind before stepping onto the court:

Proper Warm-Up: Start each session with a thorough warm-up, including dynamic stretches and light exercises to increase blood flow and loosen muscles.

Strength and Conditioning: Engage in regular strength and conditioning exercises to build muscle strength, stability, and endurance, reducing the risk of strains and sprains.

Footwear Matters: Choose supportive and comfortable court shoes with adequate cushioning to protect the feet and ankles during intense movements.

Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration is essential during any physical activity, including pickleball. Drink water regularly to maintain optimal performance and prevent muscle cramps.

Proper Technique: Focus on using proper techniques when serving, hitting, and moving around the court to reduce the impact on joints and minimize the risk of overuse injuries.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of pain or discomfort. If you experience persistent pain or a new injury, seek medical attention promptly.

TruOrtho's All-Star Surgeons: The Pickleball Players' Dream Team

When it comes to injury prevention for pickleball players, TruOrtho has got your back! Our team of board-certified orthopedic surgeons specializes in various areas, ensuring that each aspect of your pickleball game is well-protected. Let's meet the three all-star surgeons who will guide you on injury prevention and keep you at the top of your pickleball game:

Dr. Amanda Marshall-Rodriguez: A board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in joint reconstruction, Dr. Marshall-Rodriguez understands the importance of strong and stable joints for pickleball players. With her expertise and dedication to her patients' well-being, she can help you maintain joint health and enhance your performance on the court.

Dr. Jamie L. Lynch: As a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with a specialization in shoulder and sports medicine, Dr. Lynch is your go-to expert for addressing shoulder-related issues that pickleball players may encounter. From rotator cuff injuries to sports-related shoulder problems, Dr. Lynch has the skills and experience to get you back in the game.

Dr. Naomi N. Shields: A board-certified orthopedic surgeon focusing on foot and ankle care, Dr. Shields knows the importance of swift footwork and stability on the pickleball court. With her extensive experience and dedication to patient well-being, she can help you stay nimble and quick on your feet, preventing and treating any foot or ankle injuries.

TruOrtho: Expert Care for Pickleball Enthusiasts

In the event of an injury, TruOrtho's team of specialized orthopedic surgeons are equipped with the expertise to diagnose and treat pickleball-related injuries. Their patient-centric approach ensures that each individual receives personalized treatment plans for a swift and successful recovery.

Ace Your Pickleball Game with TruOrtho: The Winning Strategy

Pickleball is all about precision, strategy, and having a blast with fellow players. At TruOrtho, we understand that staying injury-free and in top form is crucial for your pickleball success. Our team of specialized surgeons is here to help you keep swinging those paddles and chasing those balls, so you never miss a beat on the court.

San Antonio Statistics: Where TruOrtho Makes a Difference

Did you know that San Antonio boasts one of the most vibrant pickleball communities in Texas? With over 30 dedicated pickleball courts and a rapidly growing player base, it's clear that pickleball fever has taken over the Alamo City. And as the pickleball scene thrives, TruOrtho is here to support our pickleball enthusiasts, providing valuable injury prevention tips to keep them healthy, happy, and always ready to serve up some winning shots!

Don't Let Injuries Dampen Your Game! Contact TruOrtho Today!

Whether you're a seasoned pickleball pro or just starting to get your feet wet on the court, TruOrtho is your ultimate teammate for injury prevention and staying in the game. We offer personalized care, cutting-edge treatments, and a team of specialist surgeons who are as passionate about pickleball as you are!

Contact TruOrtho by visiting our website at or call us directly at 210-878-4116 to schedule a consultation and keep your pickleball journey going strong. Let's serve up success together!

A clavicle fracture can be a painful and debilitating injury, impacting your daily life and limiting your range of motion. But fear not, there is hope for a full recovery with the expert care provided by TruOrtho and the skilled hands of Dr. Jamie Lynch, a renowned orthopaedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine.

Clavicle fractures, also known as collarbone fractures, are common among athletes, particularly those involved in contact sports or high-impact activities. These fractures can occur due to a fall, direct impact to the shoulder, or even during a sports-related collision. Additionally, clavicle fractures are often seen in skiing accidents or bicycle accidents. When faced with a clavicle fracture, seeking prompt and specialized medical attention is essential for a successful recovery.

At TruOrtho, Dr. Jamie Lynch and her team understand the challenges associated with clavicle fractures and are dedicated to providing personalized care tailored to each patient's needs. The first step in the road to recovery is a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. Dr. Lynch will carefully assess the extent of the fracture and any associated injuries to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment for clavicle fractures can vary depending on factors such as the location and severity of the fracture, age, and overall health of the patient. In some cases, non-surgical methods like immobilization with a sling, pain management, and physical therapy may be sufficient to promote healing. However, for more complex fractures or cases involving displacement, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Dr. Jamie Lynch is well-versed in advanced surgical techniques, including plate and screw fixation, to stabilize the fractured clavicle and promote optimal healing if applicable to your fracture. Minimally invasive procedures can be utilized, allowing patients to benefit from smaller incisions, reduced scarring, and quicker recovery times.

Following treatment, the road to recovery continues with rehabilitative therapy and guidance from the TruOrtho team. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in regaining strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the shoulder. Dr. Lynch and her team will closely monitor progress and adjust the rehabilitation program as needed to ensure the best possible outcome.

As patients continue their journey to recovery, the team at TruOrtho will provide ongoing support, addressing any concerns and empowering patients to take an active role in their healing process. Their comprehensive approach to patient care focuses not only on treating the injury but also on helping individuals regain their confidence and return to the activities they love.

If you or someone you know has experienced a clavicle fracture or other extremity fractures, let the experts guide you back to wellness. With TruOrtho's team and the guidance of Dr. Jamie Lynch, you can embark on the road to recovery and restore mobility, strength, and function to your shoulder.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Jamie Lynch and learn more about TruOrtho's specialized care for clavicle fractures and other orthopaedic needs, visit their website at or call 210-878-4116. Take the first step towards healing and reclaim your active lifestyle today.

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